Whittemore Ave in Cambridge
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Apartments With More Than Eight Units - 111 WHITTEMORE AVE
Single Family Residential - 115 WHITTEMORE AVE
Parking Lots - A Commercial Open Parking Lot For Motor Vehicles - 125-127 WHITTEMORE AVE
Housing Authority - 131 WHITTEMORE AVE
Single Family Residential - 152 WHITTEMORE AVE
Two-Family Residential - 18-20 WHITTEMORE AVE
Condo-Bldg - 18-20 WHITTEMORE AVE #18
Residential Condominium - 18-20 WHITTEMORE AVE #20
Residential Condominium - 24-26 WHITTEMORE AVE
Condo-Bldg - 24-26 WHITTEMORE AVE #24
Residential Condominium - 24-26 WHITTEMORE AVE #26
Residential Condominium - 25 WHITTEMORE AVE
Developable Residential Land - 30-32 WHITTEMORE AVE
Condo-Bldg - 30-32 WHITTEMORE AVE #30
Residential Condominium - 30-32 WHITTEMORE AVE #32
Residential Condominium - 36-64 WHITTEMORE AVE
General Office Buildings - 45 WHITTEMORE AVE
Single Family Residential - 49 WHITTEMORE AVE
Two-Family Residential - 53-59 WHITTEMORE AVE
Parking Lots - A Commercial Open Parking Lot For Motor Vehicles - 73 WHITTEMORE AVE
Parking Lots - A Commercial Open Parking Lot For Motor Vehicles - 91-99 WHITTEMORE AVE
Other Storage, Warehouse, And Distribution Facilities (See Also Usecode 401)